Dear Mums (and dads) (musn't forget you dads)
I am writing to you to let you know of a marvellous offer if you like and share

my blog post.
You see I am trying to find a way to motivate you into action. I've got my long list of "personal motivations to act" in front of me and I'm working my way down it, trying to find a way to get you to say (through the power of social media) that you very much "like" and will definitely "share" this.....
What is it? Will I love it? Will it impress my friends? Will it leave my husband in awe of his amazing wife who can keep a clean house, occupy the children meaningfully, walk the dog and look like a princess?
Tell me, tell me.... What's in it for me? There's got to be something in it for me?
Well dear mums and dads. This is my offer to you. Give this post a like and a share and you will get FREE....... support if you need it. You see around 1 in 7 mums (although this figure is likely to be more like 1 in 5) and 1 in 25 dads (how they measure these things, I'll never know) suffer from ill mental health during and after pregnancy. So that means that for every antenatal group you're taking part in mums or for every footie match you're watching dads (sorry to be so sexist), there is likely to be at least one person in that group or on that pitch that feels like
It could be you. You could be that person that feels like poo. It could be your best mate but you may never know. Because us mums n dads have a very clever way of hiding how we feel for fear of the shame. What will my mum/dad/sister/boss/cat think?
So this is my message to you. There is support out there to get better and a LOT of it is FREEEEEEE. GPs, Health Visitors, some NHS Trusts run free counselling, CBT, Mindfulness sessions. FREEEEEE Peer Support via Twitter every Wednesday 8-9pm #PNDhour, free peer support groups where you can meet like-minded people who are going through the same stuff. This is common people. Really common unfortunately.
So, please today like and share this blog post. Just cos you might be helping someone who needs it.
If you need us we are here
If we are too far away from you, look here
Or for more information on perinatal mental health please visit
Get Liking and Sharing folks.....
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